4 Reasons Why You Should Open Your Home’s Windows, Even in Winter
Georgian Duct Cleaning has listed four benefits that your household will realize from simply opening your windows. Read them here.

6 Ways to Improve Your Home’s Indoor Air Quality and Reduce Air Pollution
The air quality in your home is incredibly easy to overlook because you can’t see it. Here's 6 ways to ensure it's clean.

What Causes Poor Indoor Air Quality in Your Home and How can it be Improved?
The air we breathe is directly linked to our health. In fact, the air we breathe has a direct impact on our life expectancy! What does this

Is Clothes Dryer Lint a Fire Hazard?
Dryers are an important appliance in our homes, and almost every person living in Ontario will own one. Surprisingly though, fires caused by

4 Reasons to get a Commercial Office Air Duct Cleaning Before Winter
With winter fast approaching here in Ontario, it’s time to think about undertaking some office maintenance chores. These will ensure your...

5 Reasons Why Fall is the Perfect Time to get Your Home’s Air Ducts Cleaned
Georgian Duct Cleaning has created a list of five reasons why fall is the perfect time to clean the air ducts in your home.

5 Warning Signs That Your Home’s Air Ducts Need to be Cleaned
Here are five signs that could signal your home is in need of a professional air duct cleaning.

4 Tips for Choosing an Air Duct Cleaning Company in Ontario
Have you stumbled across an article or heard from a friend that poor air quality in your home can lead to a range of health issues for your

3 Reasons Why Your School Will Benefit from a Commercial Air Duct Cleaning During the Summer Break
Here's how your school will benefit from an air duct cleaning before your student's come back from their summer break.

How You Will Benefit From Air Duct Sanitizing
If you are worried about the indoor air quality in your home, then you’ll know just how important it is to undergo regular residential duct